Basic Operations in the Central Library from 19 March to 10 May – Use Our Online Services
The Central Library’s (ZB) portals and digital services can be used from home without any restrictions via Shibboleth or a VPN. Some other services are affected by the preventives measures aimed at containing the coronavirus.
The good news
The following electronic services are available
Accessing ZB’s electronic licences and services via Shibboleth
Accessing ZB’s electronic licences and services via VPN
The following services are also still available
The following services are suspended or relocated, or will reopen when basic operations have ended
Sources on the coronavirus
Your contacts at ZB
18 March 2020
In accordance with the preventive measures published in an extra newsletter and a press release on 17 March by the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich, the Central Library is also adapting its range of services.
Forschungszentrum Jülich – Pressemitteilung – Forschungszentrum geht in Basis-Betrieb (17.03.2020) (in German)
We will be updating this announcement with the latest information during basic operations.
The good news:
We will still be offering most services. You will not notice any difference when it comes to our electronic resources in particular.
Deadlines for returning books are all postponed until after basic operations have ended. You will not receive any reminders from us during basic operations.
The publishers’ electronic services, the portals (JuLib eXtended information portal, JuSER publications portal), and ZB’s digital services (e.g. DMP tool, Jülich DATA, article alert service) can still be used without any restriction.
The following electronic services are available:
- JuSER publications portal
JuSERPublications Portal - DMP Tool
Internet - RDM - DMP Tool of Forschungszentrum Jülich - Jülich DATA (beta)
JuLib eXtended information portal
JuLib eXtendedInformation Portal
- Search for articles and books
- Search for articles in subject-specific databases
- Access to e-journals and e-books (via Shibboleth or VPN)
Accessing ZB’s electronic licences and services via Shibboleth:
Our licensed electronic resources from many providers are available for access via Shibboleth. Forschungszentrum Jülich takes part in this secure authentication method through the DFN-AAI Federation.
In order to use electronic resources off campus in this way, select “Institutional Login”, “Login via Institution”, or “Login via Shibboleth” for the respective provider.
It may be necessary to first select the region (Germany Higher Education) or federation (DFN-AAI) and then select the institution (Forschungszentrum Jülich). Your Jülich email address and password should then be used to log in.
Authentication via Shibboleth is already set up for the following providers:
(As of 16 March 2020)
- AAAS (Science)
- American Chemical Society
- American Institute of Physics
- American Physical Society
- American Society for Microbiology
- Annual Reviews
- British Medical Journal
- Cambridge University Press
- De Gruyter
- Electrochemical Society
- Institute of Physics
- Microbiology Society
- Nature
- Oxford University Press
- Reaxys
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- ScienceDirect
- Scopus
- SPIE Digital Library
- Springer
- Statista
- Taylor & Francis
- Web of Science
incl. licensed databases - Wiley
Access via Shibboleth is being continuously expanded conditionally on the availability of the respective providers.
Accessing ZB’s electronic licences and services via VPN:
All electronic services can be accessed via a VPN connection. Along with the media licensed by the Central Library, this also applies to discounts on publication charges from some publishers (BioMed Central, Copernicus, MDPI, PLoS, and Springer Open).
A VPN tunnel is a secure connection to the company network of Forschungszentrum Jülich. It allocates the IP range of Forschungszentrum Jülich to your own PC as an external computer. However, it is impossible to ensure that the VPN server is not overloaded during basic operations. Therefore, we recommend using Shibboleth to access our services wherever possible.
Internet (ZB) – Accessing ZB’s electronic licences and services via VPN
The following services are also still available:
- You can continue to submit literature requests. We will do all we can for our part to maintain document delivery for as long as possible. Lately we have seen, on the one hand, that some providers and publishers are activating more and more documents, making document delivery simpler in these cases. On the other hand, many supplier libraries are announcing that they are suspending operations or have already closed. Delivery of articles is more difficult in these cases.
Literature Request
Delays and Cancellations in Document Delivery – Coronavirus Limits Interlibrary Loans - Borrowing and returning media from the reading room and the stacks is generally still possible. Borrowed items are being delivered and returned by internal mail only. However, we have no control over the distribution of internal mail within your institute.
Literature Request - Any books that you have already taken out can be returned by internal mail.
- Support for scientific publishing
Internet – Members of staff – Scientific Publishing (ZB-LP) - Language Services
Internet (ZB) – Central Library’s Language Services - Bibliometric analyses
Internet (ZB) – Bibliometrics
The following services are suspended or relocated, or will reopen when basic operations have ended:
- Reading room, lecture theatre, and foyer are closed
Coronavirus Regulations Impacting Events at the Central Library - No night and weekend access
- ZB training courses are suspended
- Interlibrary loans of books and borrowing books from institute libraries are suspended. You cannot order any books and will not receive any reminders regarding books that you have already borrowed.
Delays and Cancellations in Document Delivery – Coronavirus Limits Interlibrary Loans
Sources on the coronavirus:
Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) – Infektionskrankheiten A-Z – COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2)
World Health Organization (WHO) – Emergencies – Coronavirus disease 2019
Springer Nature – SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
Elsevier – Novel Coronavirus Information Center
Dimensions – Google Docs – Dimensions COVID-19 publications, data sets, clinical trials – updated daily
Your contacts at ZB:
Your usual contacts can be reached by email.
Internet (ZB) – Members of staff
We plan for one employee to be on site in the Central Library building every day, who will be able to process your enquiries from 09:00 to 16:00.
Tel: +49 2461 61-6110
Please use our ZB Contact Box or write us an email for general enquiries during basic operations.
We are available from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:00.
Email: ZB-Auskunft
ZB Contact Box