Lecture Notes
Stefan Blügel
FS2014 C4 Complex Magnetism (PDF, 8 MB)
FS2012 Scattering-Theory Introduction (PDF, 2 MB)
Full-Potential Linearized Augmented Planewave Method (PDF, 724 kB)
Density Functional Theory (DFT) in Practice (PDF, 734 kB)
Electronic structure of matter: Reduced dimensions (PDF, 2 MB)
Reduced Dimensions: Magnetic Moment and Magnetic Structure (PDF, 2 MB)
Spintronics: Transport and Materials (PDF, 964 kB)
Magnetische Anisotropie und Magnetostriktion (Theorie) (PDF, 1 MB)
Theorie der Rastertunnelmikroskopie (PDF, 4 MB)
Der Quanten-Hall-Effekt (PDF, 899 kB)
Bandmagnetismus: Oberflächen, ultradünne Filme, Hyperfeinfelder (PDF, 395 kB)
Magnetische Wechselwirkung: homogenes Elektronengas (PDF, 1 MB)
Last Modified: 03.01.2023