Career in the IBG-4

Join our team!

IBG-4 offers diverse chances to bioinformaticians, data scientists, (bio)chemists, (bio)physicists and computational biologists to work in an interdisciplinary environment. We supervise young academics in research projects at the bachelor, master and PhD levels.

Please find our current job announcements here:

Career for young academics

Prof. Usadel is faculty member of Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. He is head of the department for Biological Data Science and officially supervises bachelor, master and PhD projects in the area of plant sciences, focusing specifically on omics-/sequence-based plant bioinformatics.

Prof. Dr. Gohlke heads the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG-4: Bioinformatics) and the John von Neumann Institute (NIC) Research Group "Computational Biophysical Chemistry" at Forschungszentrum Jülich. He also leads the CPClab research group at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and has been involved in the supervision of bachelor, master and PhD projects in the fields of structural bioinformatics, protein biophysics and computational medicinal chemistry.

At IBG-4, we support young academics at all stages of their career:
• student internship
• internships semesters
• bachelor- and master theses
PhD positions & Postdocs

You are welcome to contact us on your own initiative, please find here contact details.

Also you can contact Dr. Angela Kranz.

Applicants should submit applications (a current CV, a description of scientific interests, and contact data of references).

Last Modified: 29.11.2024