Since eight years, Prof. Björn Usadel is one of the worldwide most cited scientists

November 17th: Six scientists of the Forschungszentrum Jülich and other scientists from other organisations belong to the worldwide most cited scientists. In addition to Prof. Simon Eickhoff (INM-7), Prof. Michael Saliba (IEK-5) and Prof. Christoph Brabec (IEK-11), three scientists from the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG) belong to the "Highly Cited Researchers", as listed by the Web of Science Group (Clarivate Analytics): Prof. Björn Usadel (IBG-4), Dr. Hendrik Poorter (IBG-2) and Prof. Wulf Amelung (IBG-3).
Prof. Björn Usadel from the institute division Bioinformatics (IBG-4) reached this for the eighth time, since 2014 his publications are being highly cited which proves quality and relvance of his work. Currently, worldwide 6200 „Highly Cited Researchers“ from 60 countries in 21 scientific categories are listed. Find the list via the link below: