IMP-EGH Master’s Programme

Copyright: — Forschungszentrum Jülich / WASCAL

Through the International Masters Programme in Energy and Green Hydrogen (IMP-EGH), Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen are training students in West African countries on the innovative topic of green hydrogen. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is initially funding the two-year degree course to the tune of € 8 million until 2025 as part of the energy research programme “Innovation for the energy transition”. 60 students from 15 African countries are being taught in accordance with international standards and best practices.

Within the framework of the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA), Jülich and RWTH Aachen University are providing online tools and visiting Africa to assist with teaching and support students. Students will also spend a semester in Germany to gain practical experience and write their master’s thesis. Four leading West African universities are involved in the project’s implementation: Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Côte d’Ivoire), Université de Lomé (Togo), Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (Senegal), and Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey (Niger). The local partner is the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) in Accra, Ghana.

Last Modified: 08.08.2024