Helmholtz Researchs Fields

Research in the Helmholtz Association: powering cutting-edge research

As a founding member of the Helmholtz Association, we are part of the largest German research organization and contribute our top-class expertise to four of the six Helmholtz research fields: energy, matter, information, and Earth and environment.

Helmholtz research seeks answers to the big questions of the future and aims to provide society with solutions to the challenges of the modern world. The organization pools its expertise in special research programmes, with scientists from different Helmholtz centres working together on interdisciplinary projects. Forschungszentrum Jülich contributes its outstanding expertise to ten programmes from four Helmholtz research fields. With cutting-edge research in our strategic priority areas – energy, information, and the bioeconomy – we make a fundamental contribution within the Helmholtz Association.


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Last Modified: 02.12.2024