Our People

Creative minds from all over the world

At Forschungszentrum Jülich, excellent scientists and talented early-career researchers work with professional support in administration and infrastructure. Our goal: to attract the best minds internationally amid fierce international competition. We believe that diversity is the key to progress and creativity and that it leads to new perspectives.

Forschungszentrum Jülich is one of the largest interdisciplinary research institutions in Europe and it boasts some of the world’s best researchers. As an open, responsible campus with vision, our campus is an excellent place for inspiring exchanges with people from all over the world.

Our People

Diversity and inclusion are not just a mission for us, they are part of everyday life here

We value the different life experiences and backgrounds of our employees. We know that combining different points of view leads to better solutions. In an atmosphere of mutual respect, we want to provide genuine equal opportunities. We have established a wide range of support services and programmes to achieve this. This means that everyone who works at Forschungszentrum Jülich can develop to their full potential.


What works really well is our welcoming culture: as a Spaniard, I received a really warm welcome in my group and at the entire research centre.

Prof. Dr. Estela Suarez, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)

Our researchers are among the best

At Forschungszentrum Jülich’s institutes, scientists work in many interdisciplinary research groups, primarily in the fields of energy, information, and sustainable bioeconomy. They have an excellent infrastructure at their disposal. In their search for new insights, they often take unconventional paths. And this pays off. Their work wins awards and their scientific articles are cited. Get to know some of our researchers.

Outstanding: award winners

Scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich are consistently awarded numerous prizes and honours. This indicates just how excellent their research is. One of the most prestigious awards is the Nobel Prize: in 2007, Jülich scientist Peter Grünberg received the Nobel Prize in Physics together with French scientist Albert Fert.

More about our award winners

Our People

We support leaders

At Forschungszentrum Jülich, everyone should be able to develop their skills to the full. For this reason, we offer different options for personal development and support committed employees with leadership responsibilities. We help employees with potential grow into their leadership roles. Equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion are very important to us. Prof. Astrid Lambrecht is the first woman to hold the position of Chair of the Board of Directors of Forschungszentrum Jülich.


per cent of our employees are women


percent of our scientific staff are women


percent of leadership position are filled by women

Our young talent is a priority

Supporting early-career scientists is a declared goal of Forschungszentrum Jülich. With customized support, excellence programmes, and funding advice, we want to provide graduates, doctoral researchers, postdocs, and young investigator group leaders with the best possible support on their academic paths. Optimal framework conditions will enable them to perform excellently. The programmes, which are geared towards diversity, innovation, and integration, also offer a wide range of opportunities for networking and make a significant contribution to supporting early-career researchers.


young investigator groups work at Forschungszentrum Jülich


doctoral researchers and 309 postdocs are the next generation of scientists


apprenticeships in 19 professions are currently offered by us

Attractive campus life

Our People
The Seecasino is one of many meeting places on campus.
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Cutting-edge research is only possible if the framework conditions are right. This is ensured by a large team of dedicated employees in the administration and technical areas. In divisions and staff units in different locations on campus, they play a considerable role in creating a positive working atmosphere. As a result, scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich benefit from the environment they need to create excellent results.

We network – in research groups with scientists from all over the world, as well as in personal encounters at a wide range of events on campus. Scientific exchange, sports, or singing in the choir are a great way for new employees to quickly get to know Forschungszentrum Jülich and its people in all their diversity.

Last Modified: 06.11.2024