Talent Management

A good start for bright minds

As one of Europe’s largest interdisciplinary research centres, Forschungszentrum Jülich offers excellent conditions for the best possible career start. From trainees to postdocs, we support talented young people through a wide range of tailored programmes. After all, world-class research requires world-class minds!

People from more than 100 nations work together with us on solutions for the grand challenges of the future – from experienced scientists to talented young individuals. We believe that the innovative strength and pioneering spirit of talented young people are a driving force for world-class research. That is why supporting young people is particularly important to us.

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The Excellence Prize is a great recognition for my research and the research of my group. I also had two children during my doctoral degree and I am pleased to demonstrate that, with the right support, it is still possible to conduct excellent research.

Dr. Rebekka Tesch, a winner of Forschungszentrum Jülich’s Excellence Prize

At Jülich, we provide the conditions that the next generation need to reach their full potential. With tailored support programmes, we support each and every one of them in achieving their professional goals. In doing so, we are guided by the principles of scientific excellence, equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion. We are of the firm belief that diversity promotes creativity and opens up new perspectives. This is the only way to achieve progress.

Excellent support at all levels

Our campus is a place where world-class research is complemented by comprehensive opportunities for professional development. We provide a platform for excellence and support a broad spectrum of talented individuals. With our unique infrastructure, interdisciplinary teams, and targeted programmes, Jülich provides the space for a wide range of perspectives.


percent of our scientists are women. And the next generation of scientists is pushing this figure even higher. Around one third of doctoral researchers are women.


was the first year that the Jülich Excellence Prize was awarded. The prize recognizes the outstanding achievements of our doctoral researchers and postdocs.


percent of our researchers come from abroad. People from more than 100 countries work on the major issues of the future on our campus

Our Jülich Center for Doctoral Researchers and Supervisors (JuDocS) provides the basis for a successful onboarding of all doctoral researchers and offers them comprehensive courses and guidance throughout their time at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The Career Center actively supports early-career scientists in deciding on a specific career goal and advises on a wide range of options in science and industry. Our comprehensive funding advisory service provides information on funding opportunities and scholarships at different career stages – including research stays with us or at other international institutions.

We want to prepare the most innovative minds for a career in science. One way we do this is by inviting the most talented individuals to apply for the Young Excellent Scientist Program (YESP), which was launched in 2023. It prepares scientists for a leadership position in science or industry. In creating a broad talent pool, we are committed to equal opportunities and diversity, and support initiatives such as Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC).

We believe that the promotion of talented scientists cannot begin early enough. That’s why we have a special place of learning on our campus: JuLab. Here, school students gain insights into the fascinating world of scientific research and conduct experiments themselves. After all, we want to get young people enthusiastic about science.

Because we too are feeling the effects of the shortage of skilled workers, we are increasingly training young people for work here at Jülich. We offer qualified apprenticeships in 22 professions in science, business management, technology, and other areas, as well as five dual study programmes. Each year, several hundred trainees begin their careers with us – from biological laboratory technicians to administrative assistants. Many of them stay with us in the long run. This comes as no surprise, as our talent management team uses a diverse range of support measures to assist the brightest minds at all stages of the career ladder. This helps us to ensure that there will always be world-class personnel for world-class research in future.

Last Modified: 22.01.2025