Guiding Principles

The Guidung principles of Forschungszentrum Jülich describe the core values which the research centre and its employees have identified as binding. They also describe its mission and its vision.


Our VAlues

Excellence - We want Jülich research to stand for the highest scientific quality
Responsibility - We assume our societal responsibility
Honesty - We work in an honest, fair, and open fashion
Collegiality - We work with enthusiasm, respect, and a willingness to learn from one another

our Mission

Relevance - Our research helps to solve major problems faced by the world today
Effect - Our research aims to improve lives
Progress - Our research is focused on the three major areas information, energy, and bioeconomy
Interconnection - We work across a range of topics and disciplines

our Vision

Magnet - We want to be a place of charismatic research that attracts extraordinary people
Pioneer - We do not wait for progress to happen, but instead look to shape it ourselves
Partner - We want to be a strong partner
Ambassador - Our perspective is a global one
Last Modified: 12.09.2024