Helmholtz Career Day for Data Science and IT

22nd November 2023 13:00 PM
22nd November 2023 17:00 PM
Online (registration required, see below)

Meet us at the virtual Helmholtz Career Day for Data Science and IT and experience the exciting conference program with renowned speakers. You will have the opportunity to learn about career paths with impact from data scientists and IT experts in exciting talks during the conference program and meet with data scientists and IT experts from Forschungszentrum Jülich, other Helmholtz Centers, the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Research Schools throughout Germany and international partner institutions in direct video chats in the networking sessions and expo area.

Further information can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact

Alissa Aarts

Referentin Personalmarketing

  • Human Resources
Building 15.3w /
Room 2086
+49 2461/61-9760

Last Modified: 18.10.2023