Tech Talk on Artificial Intelligence with TechLabs Aachen e.V.

The "AI for Science - The Science of AI" TechTalk is a unique opportunity to disover the fascinating world where AI and scientific research converge.

Recently, everybody is talking about AI. In Forschungszentrum Jülich, scientists apply methods from the field of AI to bring science forward. They use all kinds techniques to process images, to model molecules, to understand genetic data and much more. In this talk, several examples of how AI transforms science in Jülich will be presented. Furthermore, insights into the approach of FZ Jülich to develop large language models and other big models on their supercomputers will be shared.

About the speaker: Dr. Stefan Kesselheim studied Physics at RWTH Aachen and then moved to Uni Stuttgart. His PhD was about understanding next-Generation DNA sequencing with computer simulations and he finished in 2014. Then he moved to industry where he turned from simulation engineer into a machine learning expert. Since 2020 he leads the Lab "Applied Machine Learning" at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. His team works with scientists from all fields to integrate AI techniques and make sure science benefits from the developments in AI.

Last Modified: 26.07.2024