Launch of the Jülich Summer Academy 2023
Future Computing Technologies for Young Scientists
March 2, 2023
Quantum computing, supercomputing, neuromorphic computing: Jülich scientists are laying the foundations for future information technologies with their research. And they give young researchers access to unique equipment and the latest developments and results. To this end, Jülich researchers offer many events, which are now bundled for the first time under the umbrella of the Jülich Summer Academy. The offers are aimed in particular at young scientists.
In a few weeks, the summer semester will begin at universities. In line with this, Forschungszentrum Jülich is organizing the first Jülich Summer Academy "Future Computing Technologies: Hardware, Software and Algorithms for Scalable Simulation and Data Science", which will run from March to September 2023. Numerous exciting workshops, lectures, summer schools and other events on topics such as quantum computing, neuromorphic computing and high-performance computing will be offered to young scientists - students, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers - as well as other interested parties.
The Jülich Summer Academy is designed as an ongoing series, with the focus this year on quantum computing. Forschungszentrum Jülich is a hotspot of quantum research in Europe and combines basic research, theory and development. For example, it is coordinating the construction of a European quantum computer with 1000 qubits in the OpenSuperQPlus project, is the site of the quantum annealer DWave, and has already been operating the Jülich User Infrastructure for Quantum Computing JUNIQ since 2019 - a facility that gives users access to various quantum systems and supports them in the development of algorithms and applications for quantum computing. The Jülich Summer Academy offers everything from training courses on quantum programming and seminars on the simulation of quantum systems to a lecture for everyone on the production of the world's first topological quantum bit.
The Jülich Summer Academy also provides insights into supercomputing and future computing technologies such as neuromorphic computing. The research center is a leader in the field of high-performance computing and will be the site of Europe's first exascale computer, JUPITER. Many research groups are already using the Jülich supercomputers for modeling and simulation, for example in climate research. The Jülich Summer Academy offers, among other things, training courses on high-performance computing with Python or C++ as well as a GPU hackathon, which provides the opportunity to improve one's own AI or HPC research under the guidance of experts. The Jülich-Aachen Neuromorphic Computing Day is ideal for networking.
The program of the Jülich Summer Academy is continuously updated.
Website of the Jülich Summer Academy 2023
The Jülich Summer Academy provides many exciting insights into the topic of Future Computing Technologies.
Dipl. Biol. Annette Stettien
Leiterin Externe Kommunikation / Stellvertretende Pressesprecherin
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