Young Excellent Scientist program (YESP)

The goal of the Young Excellent Scientist Program, short YESP, is to identify young excellent Jülich scientists, aiming for a leadership position in science early in their career and support them in a structured manner. FZJ provides you as a postdoc or Young Investigator Group leader special measures to promote your scientific career path.

Young Excellent Scientist Program

This covers:

  • individual advisory service on funding opportunities
  • mentoring
  • coaching and training
  • nominations for science awards
  • travel grants
  • scientific presentations to increase the visibility of this target group
  • own website

YESP Members and Alumni

Young Investigator Groups at Forschungszentrum Jülich

YESP is carried out and supported by a multidisciplinary panel of institute leading scientists at Forschungszentrum Jülich. At present: Prof. Sonja Grün (INM-6), Prof. Olivier Guillon (IEK-1), Prof. Emre Neftci (PGI-15), Prof. Martin Riese (IEK-7), Prof. Stefan Sandfeld (IAS-9), Prof. Birgit Strodel (IBI-7) and Prof. Björn Usadel (IBG-4). Prof. Astrid Lambrecht, chair of the Board of Directors, is the chair of this panel.


Dr. Katharina Klein

Referentin für wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsförderung - PostDocs

    Building 15.3 /
    Room 2062
    +49 2461/61-85377

    Last Modified: 10.12.2024