Full-time position with slightly reduced working hours

Part-time near full-time

Forschungszentrum Jülich aims to make it easier for current and future employees to reconcile work and family life in a number of ways, thus remaining competitive on the labour market as an attractive employer.

The opportunity to take on a full-time position with slightly reduced working hours is aimed at encouraging those who, for example, might possibly require a slight reduction in working hours for family reasons to apply for an advertised position. This helps to ensure that the organizational unit advertising the position receives the highest quality applicant response.

A full-time position with slightly reduced working hours is therefore not the same as a part-time position, nor should it be confused with the job sharing model in which it is possible for two people working part-time to share a position.

The slight reduction in working hours might be necessary, for instance, if a child needs to be collected in the afternoon at a set time on one or several working days due to limited daycare centre opening hours, or if a person requiring care needs to be regularly visited before starting work.

Individual working time arrangements (working hours, distribution of working hours, determination of place of work) will ultimately always be agreed on between the organizational unit looking to fill the position and the prospective employee, taking into consideration all existing regulations and the operational requirements of the advertised position.

Last Modified: 16.08.2024