Preparing a thesis

A female scientist stands in front of a blackboard and looks at her laptop while holding a book open with one hand.

BA and MA theses focus on a specific issue. Students work independently, utilizing scientific methods. Good (scientific) supervision is ensured throughout.

General conditions of employment

As a student working on your thesis, you will be employed as a student assistant for the purpose of preparing or writing a bachelor's or master's thesis, or within the framework of a German state examination. Remuneration depends on whether you already have a degree and on your weekly working hours. The duration of the contract depends on the requirements of the university and may not exceed 12 months.

Information on the application process

Preparing a Thesis

You can work on your thesis in all areas of Forschungszentrum Jülich: in the scientific institutes as well as the technical and administrative infrastructure. If you are interested in writing your thesis at Jülich, we look forward to receiving your application. You can apply for vacant positions or send a speculative application to suitable institutes and infrastructure divisions.

Your application should include the following documents:

  • Cover letter including the preferred time period or alternative dates
  • CV (if applicable, include voluntary work or memberships in clubs, societies, or associations)
  • School leaving certificate
  • Current academic transcript
  • Certificate of enrolment from your university and information on the thesis to be written
  • References or letters of recommendation from previous employment or placements, if applicable
  • Bachelor's certificate, if applicable

Get further information and tips on the application process.

It generally takes time to find a suitable position for writing a thesis. For this reason and also due to the high number of applications, we recommend that you apply in good time (at least three months, preferably six months, before you intend to start working on your thesis).

Last Modified: 22.12.2024