Sabine Clemens

JARA press officer
What do you like about working in science?
What I particularly like about my work is the variety. There are constantly new interesting research results and projects that I have the privilege of making accessible to the public. Topics range from brain and energy research to more abstract matters of particle physics. We’re spared the dreaded daily grind here; every day holds something new and different. Our press work not only has a regional dimension, but also a national and even an international one. The research projects are often conducted in collaboration with other countries. Fairs, symposia, and events enjoy international renown, as do our scientists’ research results. Moreover, thanks to my position at the interface between RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich, I have the opportunity to collaborate with another renowned establishment and to witness the cooperation between scientists at first hand.
When did you realize you wanted to work in science?
My chosen field of study, German philology, did not lead me into science directly. But still, science has always been fascinating to me. After a fairly conventional start to my career in various agencies and enterprises, I developed a desire for more variety and new challenges in the field of public relations. Science and research quickly attracted me as a future working environment.
How did you come to Forschungszentrum Jülich?
I’ve known about Forschungszentrum Jülich since my childhood: it is an institution, a place where the future is shaped. I took on my current role at Forschungszentrum Jülich in 2013, after completing my studies and a number of other positions.
What makes Forschungszentrum Jülich special to you?
What’s special about Forschungszentrum Jülich in my opinion is the range of opportunities and options that are offered – the “entire package”, so to speak. The first-class scientific facilities, such as the high-resolution electron microscopes at the Ernst Ruska-Centre or the clean rooms of the Helmholtz Nanoelectronic Facility, are only the beginning. Jülich is an El Dorado for research.
The outstanding infrastructure plays a large part in enabling the scientists to conduct research on the highest level. For me, this means learning about interesting projects and research findings, putting what I’ve learned into words, and conveying it to the public. Forschungszentrum Jülich’s “package” also contains many other benefits, such as excellent professional training, employee events, joint sports activities, and much more.
What do you do in your free time?
In my free time, I work out a lot, both in the gym and in the fresh air. And I never say no to a good book.