Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Vision for the Future – Green!

In the swiftly evolving landscape of renewable energy, photovoltaics stand as the cornerstone of tomorrow's power solutions. Researchers at FZ Jülich are pioneering a new era of solar technology through an unprecedented innovation network, poised to accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge solar technologies.

June 2024

Vision for the Future Green

Solar Energy Hits Record Year in 2023: A Look Back

In 2023, Germany witnessed a remarkable surge in solar energy adoption. More new solar systems were installed than ever before. According to the Federal Network Agency, these systems boasted a peak output of approximately 14 gigawatts, surpassing the average output of a nuclear power plant (1.4 gigawatts). The sun-powered revolution is in full swing, but is it enough to meet our climate targets?

Jens Hauch, a leading expert, emphasizes the urgent need for massive expansion in renewable energy. “To achieve our climate goals,” he asserts, “we must develop thousands of square kilometers of new land for photovoltaics in Germany alone.”

Beyond Roofs and Wasteland: The Future of Solar Energy

At the Helmholtz Institute for Renewable Energies (HI ERN), researchers envision a solar-powered future that extends beyond rooftops and unused land. They consider fields, meadows, house facades, roads, and even vehicles as potential sites for photovoltaic installations.

Sustainable Photovoltaics: Research at HI ERN

Dr. Jens Hauch, Research Manager at Solar TAP, succinctly states their mission: “We aim to develop new areas for photovoltaics, utilizing existing spaces.”

»We want to develop new areas for photovoltaics.«

Dr. Jens Hauch
Research Manager at Solar TAP

Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Solar Cells from Printers

In Jülich’s Erlangen-Nuremberg branch, scientists explore cutting-edge semiconductor families. Their focus lies on organic and perovskite semiconductors. Christoph Brabec, a materials scientist, demonstrates a thin, dark, translucent film.

"The breakthrough? Solar cells can now be printed using these materials," he explains. Compared to traditional silicon-based photovoltaics, printing solar cells is not only cost-effective but also environmentally friendly. These flexible panels adhere to plastic, glass, or metal surfaces, offering unique advantages.

Fast and flexible solar energy from the printer

Fast, Flexible Solar Energy

These lightweight solar cells overcome static limitations. Moreover, their color and transparency can be customized before printing. Practical benefits include seamless integration into existing structures, aesthetic appeal, and controlled sunlight permeation.

Hauptsache Sonne – Photovoltaikforschung am FZ Jülich

Agri-PV: A Win-Win Solution for Agriculture and Energy Generation

Sunlight permeation is especially important for Agri-PV. The concept of Agri-PV—agricultural photovoltaics—aims to optimize land use by allowing crops to thrive beneath photovoltaic modules. This dual-purpose land utilization benefits both agriculture and energy production.

Agri-PV: Generating Power from Fields

The latest solar technologies, now approaching the efficiency of silicon cells, hold immense promise. But how can we strategically advance their development? How do we make them accessible to industry and end consumers?

Solar TAP Innovation Platform: Accelerating Solar Technology

That is waht Solar TAP is for: Jens Hauch and Christoph Brabec lead the Solar TAP innovation platform, collaborating with partners from the Helmholtz Center Berlin (HZB) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). “Within this network,” explains Jens Hauch, “we combine the expertise of our research centers and work closely with companies, from small start-ups to large corporations.”

Supported by a total of €15.1 million from the Helmholtz Association, Solar TAP is poised for a three-year establishment phase. “Our funding enables us to proactively address inquiries from companies,” says the research manager. “Together with our industry partners, we’re developing real-world solutions.”

Open to Collaboration: Industry Partnership with Forschungszentrum Jülich

»Our endeavours span from practical demonstrations to cutting-edge material research.«

Prof. Christoph Brabec
Coordinator at Solar TAP

Tailored Innovations for Industry Partners

During the application phase for the innovation platform, the team engaged closely with over 50 industrial partners. In their solar factory of the future, scientists explore innovations across diverse domains.

For instance, they installed semi-transparent organic solar modules in fields where raspberries and blackberries thrive—a collaboration with a farmer. Another project involves partnering with a specialized company developing technologies for airships. The question at hand: Can lightweight, flexible solar modules enhance the range of these aerial vehicles?

Linking Photovoltaics and Crop Production: The Agri-Food-Energy Park

Christoph Brabec shares insights: “We collaborate with other companies to develop coating systems for printed solar cells or more environmentally friendly printer inks. Our spectrum ranges from practical demonstrations to cutting-edge material research.”

Double Harvest on the Field

All stakeholders recognize the immense potential of multi-benefit photovoltaics. Multi-benefit implies that land gains value through additional utilization. On the field, a dual harvest is possible: fruits and green energy. Moreover, photovoltaic installations shield plants from excessive sunlight and drought.

Jens Hauch asserts, “Establishing technologies like these in the market will accelerate solar energy expansion. By leveraging multiple benefits, we avoid conflicts and unlock more land for photovoltaics.”

Die Vision von einer grünen Energiewelt, sie könnte also auch dank Solar TAP Realität werden. „Ein Netzwerk, das so eng in diesem Bereich zusammenarbeitet, hat es noch nicht gegeben“, sagt Hauch. „Sind wir damit erfolgreich, könnte das auch ein Modell sein, um andere Technologien voranzubringen.“ Sonnige Aussichten!

Solar TAP could turn the vision of a green energy world into reality. Jens Hauch adds, “This tightly-knit network collaboration is unprecedented. If successful, it could serve as a model for advancing other technologies.” Bright prospects indeed!


Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Bildnachweis: Martin Leclaire / Forschungszentrum Jülich
Redaktion: SeitenPlan

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Last Modified: 04.07.2024