Jülich Researchers Honoured by European Research Council
Jülich, 17 March 2022 – Funding worth millions has been awarded to Jülich scientists. The European Research Council officially announced today that Prof. Nick Wierckx from the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences will receive one of the coveted Consolidator Grants. Over a period of five years, he and his team will receive some € 2 million in funding for his project on genetically-modified, solvent tolerant Pseudomonas bacteria. Dr. Jenna Poonoosamy from the Institute of Energy and Climate Research will be awarded a Starting Grant. She will receive around € 1.5 million over the next five years for the GENIES project where, in the context of decarbonizing energy systems, she is investigating hydrogeochemical processes involving a gas phase.
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Further Information:
Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Biotechnology (IBG-1)
Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Nuclear Waste Management and Reactor Safety (IEK-6)
Press contact:
Annette Stettien
Tel.: 02461 61-2388
E-Mail: a.stettien@fz-juelich.de