Katrin Amunts Appointed to Leopoldina

21 December 2023

A special honour for an outstanding brain researcher: Prof. Katrin Amunts was appointed to the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and will be active in the Psychology and Cognitive Sciences Section. Leopoldina is the oldest continuously existing academy of natural sciences and medicine in the world. Leopoldina selects its members among scientists who have distinguished themselves through their outstanding scientific achievements.

German version

Katrin Amunts in die Leopoldina gewählt
Prof. Katrin Amunts
Mareen Fischinger / Forschungszentrum Jülich


Erhard Zeiss

Wissenschaftlicher Kommunikationsreferent

  • Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine (INM)
  • Strukturelle und funktionelle Organisation des Gehirns (INM-1)
Building 15.9 /
Room 3033
+49 2461/61-1841

Last Modified: 24.04.2024