Young investigator groups

Open Call for Applications – Helmholtz Investigator Groups

The Helmholtz Association is funding internationally and nationally recognized scientists for up to 5 years in their first scientific leadership position. Internal Deadline is 10 February 2025.

One of Forschungszentrum Jülich's (FZJ) declared goals is to expand its expertise by giving outstanding scientists the opportunity to acquire leadership skills while at the same time sharpening their scientific profile. We established the Young Investigator Programme to promote this goal. As an early career scientist, who is characterised by scientific excellence, international experience and a high degree of mobility, you can extend your own expertise by founding a Young Investigator Group (YIG).

What are Young Investigator Groups?

Young Investigator Groups
Young Investigator Groups
Young Investigator Groups

A Young Investigator Group (YIG) at FZJ consists of a leader (e.g., YOU) and at least two researchers with an academic degree, who are under the direct professional and disciplinary supervision of the YIG leader.

You and your group will do research on a clearly defined topic that fits into the strategic portfolio of Forschungszentrum Jülich and the thematic orientation of the relevant subinstitute.

The position of YIG leader serves as a qualification for a professorship or other leading position within or outside the scientific community.

Young Investigator Groups
Young Investigator Groups
Young Investigator Groups

As a research group leader you will have access to the necessary infrastructure and resources within the framework of your home institute.

You will be selected through a transparent and systematic application, selection, and quality assurance process.

An evaluation of your young investigator group's performance will take place after 3–4 years in order to assess the scientific performance spectrum of the entire group and the leadership quality of the group leader.

Young Investigator Groups at Forschungszentrum Jülich

Support Programme for Young Investigator Groups

The Jülich Support Programme for Young Investigator Groups (YIG) covers the whole spectrum - from pre-boarding counselling to a network to stay in touch.

The position of a YIG leader serves as a qualification for a professorship or another leading position within or outside the scientific community. Working at Forschungszentrum Jülich offers the opportunity to find out about different career options and to access FZJ's administrative support in communicating with universities regarding a Junior or full Professorship.

For YIG leaders already working at Forschungszentrum Jülich, we offer a comprehensive programme ranging from an individual onboarding in Jülich and regular development and networking opportunities to staying in touch after the funding has ended.

Young Investigator Groups
Consultation and application
Individual onboarding
Networking and self-presentation
Continuous support
Personal development
Stay in touch

Contact and Consultation

Dr. Katharina Klein

Referentin für wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsförderung - PostDocs

    Building 15.3 /
    Room 2062
    +49 2461/61-85377

    Former Young Investigator Groups/Alumni

    Last Modified: 16.12.2024